Gil Refael

Institute of Quantum Information and Matter, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA


13 March 2019


Paolo Molignini (AMP)


Topological Physics at the Light-Matter Interface


Topological phases have been dominating the limelight in the past 10 years. They may provide a pathway to protected topological quantum computing, as well as reduced dissipation electronics. Their potential for new quantum devices, however, has been so far untapped. In my talk I will review the principles behind topological insulators, and then show how these ideas take a new life when applied to systems where light and matter interact. As I will show, the combination of photonics and topology gives rise to topologicalpolaritons, new paradigms for infra-red detectors and energy harvesting, and new methods for conversion and amplification of low frequency EM radiation.

Gil Refael (right) with Paolo Molignini (left)
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